
Melina 13 year mites allergy

MELINA 13 years old is suffering from mites allergy

The family Schriver Hennings lives in Hornslet Denmark. There are 4 children and one of them is Melina.

Melinas mother Mrs. Jeanette Schriver Hennings is telling us the story.

Melina’s asthma was diagnosed when she started school. She is suffering from asthma as well as different allergies one of them is mites’ allergy. She has been using inhalator and medicine for the night to help sleeping. She goes regurly to the hospital for control. Melina has had years when the growth was as little as 5 mm per year.

The doctors have tried all kind of medicine to help Melina but without very much success.

Going to school has been at period’s irregurly and the social life so important for a growing teenager has also suffered. Camping and sleeping over at friend’s house has mostly ended up in a telephone call home for the parents to pick her up. Breathing badly, rash, vomiting have been the end of what should be a nice experience for Melina.

Night sleep has been disturbed by breathing problems and irritation. Melina waking up was always with stiff muscles and a tired feeling for not having slept at all. Dark circles under the eyes and feeling bad is a minus start on the day.

Two months ago Melinas mother heard of new bedding clothes especially for people with mite’s allergy and asthma.

They have now tested this set of bedclothes which is a top mattress, duvet and pillow.

The filling is with the kapok fiber an old but until now forgotten natural fiber. It is soft as silk and so light and the most important thing is that it has completely changed Melinas sleep and life in all.

Now Melina wakes up refreshed after a night´s sleep without waking up. Her body is all relaxed when earlier it was tense and aching.

The black circles under her eyes are gone and so is her medicine.

This is a new life for Melina being able to participate in social life on the same terms as her friends.

She has for the first time been camping without any problems. This is a great victory for Melina but also for the whole family.

All this is due to a set of bedclothes where mites do not thrive.

Melina has never felt as good as now in this time of the year. She is almost out of medicine and she sleeps fantastic. She went with a friend for a camping trip in their camping wagon but unfortunately the trip for Melina only lasted for 24 hours. Then she had to be brought home with swollen face, sneezing and with a running nose. Coming home to her bed with the duvet, pillow and top mattress of kapok made her breathing in a couple of hours as well as the other symptoms returning to normal. The next day she was again without taking medicine. I will never allow her to sleep with something else than her bed set from Ceiba. This bed set makes a world of difference for her. I hope that all families that live with the same problems as we did will be informed that this bedding exists. Important is to tell that you shall have the whole package of duvet, pillow and top mattress to get the 100% result. You have been an angel coming into our life and we are so grateful for that.

With warm greetings

Jeanette Henning Schriver-Melinas mother-.

Signe 11 years mite’s allergy

Signe 11 years old is suffering from mite’s allergy. She is scratching herself from the minute she goes to bed until finally she falls asleep.

Signe received Ceiba top mattress, duvet and pillow in the beginning of April 2012

Her mother Louise Juul comment after the first night:

“Signe woke up this morning and said:” this duvet is so amazing, I fell asleep at once and haven´t scratched at all.”

I asked her if she believed it was due to the duvet, ”Yes, because I didn´t scratch at all”

I say thank you much for this bed set. It goes with us to the Easter holiday at our summerhouse.”

1 month later

Signe’s mother tell: “It is going so well here. Signe says that she fall asleep immediately because she doesn´t scratch herself any more. Today she was cleaning her room and I told her to dust and vacuum for the mites. She said

”It is not necessary cause I don´t sneeze any more”.

I suppose I have to find another argument to get her to clean her room. We are now entering the good period as summer is but look to winter to see the effect from this amazing bed set.”

Louise Juul